Coming up soon is the Legacy of he Plains’ annual Trees Along the Trail tree decorating contest! The contest is a great way to creatively showcase your nonprofit organization or service club to scores of people who come in to view the beautiful display of Christmas trees. The voting will kick off on Saturday, December 3rd during our High Plains Christmas event and go until December 23rd at 4pm.
If you have a nonprofit organization or service club and would like to participate, please call the museum at (308) 436 – 1989 to get your organization on our list so we know how many trees to expect. Please provide a small plant stand or end table to be used for your vote ticket container and literature about your organization.
Here’s how it works:
Set up and decorate your tree with your end table. We provide the vote containers. From December 3rd until the 23rd, friends and neighbors who visit the museum can cast $1 per vote ticket. Your organization keeps 50 cents of each vote, and the other 50 cents supports the museum. If your organization is among the top three vote-getters, your organization could win $100, $50 or $25. And if your tree wows the board president, it wins the $50 President’s Choice Award.