The year is 1927. It’s a dark, chilly October evening as you arrive to your best friend’s home. It is the night of Hallowe’en. You walk up the front steps and knock gently on the door. Within a few moments, you are greeted… by a clown! But this is not just any clown, this is your classmate from school, Fred. His costume is handmade, sewn together from leftover fabric his mother had around the house. He invites you inside and tells you that the party is about to start. As you walk into your friend’s home, you find that the house has been decorated with orange and black crepe paper, pictures of hissing black cats, and spooky pumpkins. A number of people have already arrived, each dressed up in their costume revelry. You see the table has been set and decorated with autumnal splendor, awaiting the dinner hour. You glance across the room where you hear chanting. There you see two more classmates, each with their hands tied behind their backs as they each try to get a bite of a big, red apple on a string hanging from the ceiling. Looking around again, you see a group of girls, giggling as they write their names on more apples as they drop them into a tub filled with water, in hopes that their crushes might get theirs. Finally, you spot your friend. She is dancing with a few other friends in the living room.

This exhibit was inspired by the Dennison party magazines of the 1920’s. This two page spread came from the 1921 Dennison’s Bogie Book.
“Vintage Halloween” is not your typical exhibit. Imagine being the person above attending the party. This exhibit was designed so that it feels as though you stepped into a 1920’s era Halloween party, complete with parlor games, music, and a photo-op station! This exhibit shows how popular games such as bobbing for apples and snap-apple have changed over the years. Want to get your fortune told? There’s an interactive game where picking a pumpkin will tell your fate! There is also plenty of room to dance if you fancy our ghoulish tunes. Or design yourself a party mask and get your picture taken! And before you leave, count the bats and there is sure to be a small prize for those who can tell the correct number.

The east wall of the Halloween exhibit. The table shows a typical style of decorating a dinner table for your guests.

Snap-apple was a popular parlor game aimed towards single young adults. A man and woman would try to bite an apple on a string with their hands tied behind their back!
Legacy of the Plains Museum is throwing a month long Halloween party – and you’re invited! Monday through Saturday from 9am to 5pm and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm until November, come see our new special exhibit called “Vintage Halloween”!