Meet O’Sage, heifer calf of momma longhorn Sage!
That clever name was suggested by Kathy Yates of Mitchell.
The day after O’Sage was born, mama longhorn Cleo was also toting around a new calf. Another heifer. She is named Rainy, for good luck in the growing season.
Thank you to Kaden Nowatzke of Gering for suggesting that name!
The museum’s longhorns have all been moved to summer pasture now, but they will be back in the fall!
We really appreciate all the suggested names for our first longhorn calf of the year! As a thank you, we will post a couple more sweet and funny pictures:

Trying to get a picture of the new baby? You should get a picture of ME instead! (That’s Chia for you! Always hogging the spotlight.)
For the record, the other suggested names were: Rosemary, Ne Bell, Feeding Time, Vlad the Impaler, Minnie Moo, Maybelle, Oreo, Legacy, Thyme, Puncture Vine Pearl, Sandstone Sadie.
Copyright 2014 by Legacy of the Plains